Created using R and ‘members to .csv’ Facebook Ap
March 9, 2010
Breakdown by Gender (Click to Enlarge)
Representation by City and State
Augusta , Illinois
Chicago , Illinois
Indianapolis, Indiana
Hampton , Iowa
Miltonvale, Kansas
Louisville , Kentucky
Caneyville, Kentucky
Frankfort , Kentucky
Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada)
Saginaw , Michigan
Deckerville, Michigan
Springfield , Missouri
Tecumseh, Oklahoma
Portland, Oregon
Fredrikstad , Ostfold (Norway)
Dallas ,Texas
Selah , Washington
Union West , Virginia
# of Members by State (Click to Enlarge)
Representation By Country (Click to Enlarge)
(Canada, Norway & the U.S.)
Note:This data is for demonstration purposes only. There were actually 643 members of the #AgChat Facebook group as of this date, but the ‘members to .csv’ ap limits data retrieval to 499 observations, so this represents only a sampling of actual members. Observations are also omitted for missing values for variables in each respective analysis.For instance, only 24 observations of the available 499 had hometown data listed.